BSI 继续其战略发展之路收购领先的保险业电子签名解决方案供应商 - «INSIGN»

CRM and marketing automation manufacturer BSI acquires inSign, provider of digital signature solutions in the German insurance industry. In doing so, BSI is consolidating its market position in the DACH region in the banking and insurance sectors and will in future also offer new digital applications for a seamlessly integrated and automated customer process for other sectors.

BSI 作为客户关系管理及营销自动化软件解决方案供应商收购为德国保险业提供数字签名解决方案的 公司 - INSIN,通过本次并购 BSI 计划将银行和保险行业的业务扩展到整个德语区,并为其他行业在客 户流程的无缝集成和自动化方面提供新的数字应用方案。
